2. Necrosis pulmonis /№ 58 Bronchopneumonia tbc caseosa./

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 2. Necrosis pulmonis /№ 58 Bronchopneumonia tbc caseosa./
Kazeozna necrosis of the lung is most commonly seen in kazeozna bronchopneumonia or in the center of granulomas formed in tuberculosis. It is represented by nonstructural, drebnozarnisti areas completely deleted sinkavorozov alveolar structure and color of stain H & E. Among the nonstructural fields can be monitored and blue colored remnants of nuclear chromatin resulting from karyorrhexis. Around the necrotic zone are macrophages, monocytes that migrated from the blood flow in relation to the cellular response to chronic irritation. They are formed epiteloidni cells with oval nuclei and pale pink cytoplasm. With its form and arrangement they resemble epithelial cells, where labeled cells si.Sred epiteloidnite meet multicore type giant cells "Langhans" resulting from the merger of several epiteloidni cells. Their nuclei are located along the periphery of the cell in the form of a horseshoe with an opening to the central necrosis of the periphery of the granuloma are described T lymphocytes forming etc. lymphocyte shaft.

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