1-Necrosis renis /№ 34. Infarctus anaemicus renis/.

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1-Necrosis renis /№ 34. Infarctus anaemicus renis/.
Anemic infarction of the kidney develops in blockage of some of the branches of renal areteriya - obiknovino of embolism, resulting in ischemia occurs with subsequent necrosis of the renal parenchyma in the relevant section. It is a coagulation necrosis, presented in a section of the body with preserved structure in which the visible shadows of glomeruli and tubules. In cells lacking nuclei tubes and homogenized cytoplasm, intense pink colored XE. Disappear cellular details can be seen only vaguely delineated cell borders. Morphological features of necrosis are different phases of nuclear fission: homogenization (compaction) of the nuclear chromatin - karyopycnosis, degradation of nuclei presented in the form of pellets - karyorrhexis and complete disappearance in necrotic cells - karyolysis. Affected cell and tissue structures are homogenized granular cytoplasm and stained more intensely than eozina. Around the area of necrosis is hiperemichnohemoragichnata area consisting of dilated blood vessels and bleeding. Near it there is segmented shaft of leukocytes, which may be missing in early stages. Adjacent renal tissue is found with a fully preserved structure.

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